
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Merry Christmas??

Indefinite respite for LJ continues at our home.  We received an e-mail last week from her CASA stating she would be with us through the new year.  To make things clear, we had agreed to keep her for as long as possible if her sisters stay at a nearby foster home.  But we really had not planned on Christmas.  Or New Years.

I've done respite enough in Washington to know how foster kids destroy holidays.  Christmas is hard on traumatized kids and try to wreck it for everyone.  So I as I read the e-mail she was staying, I felt the tears come.  I needed a new frame of mind and quickly.  The pitiful side of me thought 'my Christmas is over'.  The stubborn side of me thought 'I can do this!'.  At worst she will have a raging tantrum all day (which she has proven capable of) and make at least one of us miserable (the one stuck dealing with her).  At best, she might be distracted by the festivities and make it through.  She seems to have no attachment to Christmas and no traditions so we might not fare too badly.

Then I thought about the spirit of Christmas.  What is it really about?  The presents?  The tradition?  My family?  Not really . . . . it's about Jesus and what he did for us.  He in all of his glory and splendor decided to condescend to us.  The broken ones.  The pitiful ones.  It's like something valuable and shiny and beautiful getting shoved into a pile of stinky trash.  And he chose this path knowing what was going to happen.  He willingly gave up his glory to come to us.

Maybe . . . Possibly . . . . like giving up a Christmas and giving it to God.

"This is yours Lord.  I want it bad.  I want the whole thing for myself but since it's yours, I'm giving up control and giving it back.  Do what you want with it.  If it turns out bad, so be it.  If it turns out great, so be it.  The Lord gives and the Lord takes away.  Blessed be the name of the Lord."

Obedience is messy.  Surrender is messy.  Community is messy.  But Jesus makes it perfect when it's all about Him.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Merry Christmas

It's been two months since a post!  Holy Moses.  Lots is happening around here.

There was nothing and then . . . holidays, foster kiddos, putting the house/garden to bed for winter . . . . go, go, go.  Getting the house ready for winter took more time than we had thought.  Or at least I finally admitted defeat and told Trent he had to take some time off work so we could get it all done.  So he graciously did and in the time of two days, we had most of it tackled.  Good thing because precisely 6 days after the sprinklers got blown out there was 6" of snow on the ground.

Our latest news is: church stuff and one extra kid.  We'll start with the extra kid.

What began as 'emergency respite' has turned into 'indefinite respite'.  I knew about the foster care phone calls when they say 'this placement will just be a week or two' and then six months later you still have the child.  But, I've never heard of respite turning into long-term.  This 4-yr-old has been interesting and definitely has taken all of our free time to corral her and teach her how to control herself.  Not that we've accomplished that in three weeks but it seems a tad bit better.  We've gotten more of the history in the last few days and my stomach turned.  The possibilities are disgusting and explains this child's want to control everyone and everything in her path.

In the process I've learned how great my kids are.  I didn't like to brag before, but now, I'm bragging.  My kids are awesome.  They deal with this disruption in our household like troopers.  Only Morgan has gotten a little off kilter but she's starting to understand a little more, too.  Jordyn cracks me up because her 6th sense has kicked in and keeps her distance from the foster child.  I caught her sneaking up behind LJ (foster kiddo) and grabbing her (Jordyn's) blanket and yelling 'Mine!' at her.  It's the first time I'd heard her say that word.  Trent and I are trying to focus on the circumstances surrounding why she's in foster care because if we didn't, we'd be frustrated with LJ's behavior all the time and it would be hard to love her.  Prayers surrounding her would be great.  I believe her battle is primarily spiritual and secondarily pathological.

We had a reach out event to the LDS community and it was awesome.  The most people our church has ever had in its sanctuary.  It was encouraging.

Not so encouraging: no pastor.  It will soon be a year that we've been without a pastor.  It's hard.  There's no vision, no hiring of staff (worship pastor resigned long ago and has never been replaced).  Then I tried out for the worship team.  The most disorganized mess I've witnessed for what was supposed to be 'auditions'.  And since that time I've concluded I don't think I want to be a part of the worship team anyhow.  It's a very cliquey group and the same family has been in charge for years.  One new person is not going to change that, especially with no direction from leadership.  So, 1990 Maranatha songs live on.

I continue to meet with the Mormon missionaries each week when our schedule allows.  It's a fun and sometimes frustrating time.  I love the gals but they view the Bible through their LDS lenses and it's hard for them to see God's Truth.  Pray for me to keep speaking Truth in a kind, clear, concise manner!  I invited them to the outreach event and they were simply aghast!!  They were disappointed in me and I didn't hear from them for a week so I thought I'd completely offended them.  Then after the event was over they resurfaced and text me back :)

Still missing old friends and especially our old church . . . . .

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Still running the race

It's been a hard week so far.  I'm not sure why but some little things have been getting me down.  Ironically, Bible Study is the most difficult.  The course of going each week and trying to make friends and sit by someone and make conversation . . . . so this week I pouted and sat by myself and no one sat by me or talked to me.  It's so difficult.  I shouldn't pout but some days I just don't have the energy to exert and make conversation and try.

When I have hard Tuesdays then I look forward to Wednesday mornings more!  Wednesday mornings is missionary day.  The sisters come and we talk, and talk.  Somethings about nothing in particular.  My neighbor still comes each time which is a huge blessing.  She can hear more about what I believe and vice versa.

This week we talked about 'Words of Wisdom'.  This is the revelation Joseph Smith received from Jesus about we shouldn't drink coffee.  Clearly JS wasn't from Washington State.  And we shouldn't drink alcohol or tea or take illegal drugs, etc.  If you'd like to read the entire revelation you can look up Doctrine and Covenants 89.  It's scripture for them you know.

The LDS library app has everything.  However, they should check that everything is spelled correctly before they publish.

At the end of the visit they challenged me with a week of living the Words of Wisdom.  I was a little stupefied.  Really??  You want me to give up coffee??  How far am I willing to go with this evangelism?  I told them I would get back to them (I have their cell phone number and we text back and forth).  So, I had my own little revelation from Jesus.  If I give up coffee (and beer--not such a big deal), they have to read a chapter of the New Testament each day.  Then we discuss what we read instead of their agenda.  Agreed!  So, here we go through Ephesians this week.  Pray for my headache that is surely to come tomorrow morning.  And pray for endurance.  I feel like this move is starting to get me down again--going through a cycle of mourning.

Oh, and if you have time, please pray for our church who is still searching for a Senior Pastor.  We have a short list that the elders is going over right now.  Lord, speed up the search!!  Give them wisdom!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Nephi and Galatians

Tomorrow morning the missionaries (I lovingly refer to them as 'the sisters'), myself and my neighbor will meet.  I agreed to continue reading 1 Nephi (the first book of the B of Mormon) if they would agree to reading the book of Galatians.  I just picked a short book of the Bible because I wanted to get them in the New Testament and read something in its entirety and not just cherry-picked verses.  Then I smiled to myself when I began to read Galatians last week:

Chapter 1

I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.
10 For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.

Be praying for me Friday morning!  I need all the help the Spirit can give :)

Friday, September 19, 2014

Woman on a mission

Today was my fifth meeting with the missionaries.  They always bring one other person from the neighborhood so lately they've been bringing my neighbor and best friend.  Last week I would have said they have sucked the life blood out of me.  I was done.  I was frustrated with the way they cherry pick Bible verses and use them however they like--usually out of context.

Since then I've had a trip to Washington and had some wisdom given to me from many friends.  One mentioned if I start looking like a cartoon character  sucked dry from a mosquito (reference: Far Side), stop meeting with them.  Or if Trent sees that I am losing too much energy from this endeavor he needs to tell me to stop.  It was freeing to hear that . . . even if this is my mission right now, I don't have to adhere to their schedule or any schedule at all.

I'd kind of felt like a failure last week because I couldn't address each of their cherry-picked verses they use to verify they are the only true church.  So I thought I would meet one more time with a bit different approach and see how it went.
It went much better.

Today instead of focusing on what I was going to say, I just prayed.  My time I spend to solely read the Bible I spent praying in between each chapter I read.  I read one chapter of New Testament, two of Old Testament (histories or prophets), one of Psalms and one of Proverbs.  But my focus was prayer and if I didn't finish my Bible reading that was OK (I didn't).  The kids woke up before I completed the task but I felt prayed up.  I had friends praying in WA too.  I gave myself a lot more grace (because that's what Jesus did already) to not have to answer every question.  My goal was to encourage them to read their Bibles with the eyes of a child, like they've never read it before.  I agreed to read some of the Book of Mormon and in return we are ALL reading the book of Galatians.  Fantastic.  Mission accomplished.  If we can point them to the Bible and have them see it is the perfect living and breathing Word of God, we are doing well.

AND, for the best news: I met another born again Christian right here in Iona.  She goes to Bible Study Fellowship with me!  She came out of the LDS religion so we are going to have lunch together next week.  I felt like God just dropped someone straight down from the heavens in front of me.  She is the crosswalk guard at Evan's school.  Hallelujah!  God is good.

And I'll leave you with 2 Timothy 4:1-5

I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season;reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

Saturday, September 6, 2014


How many Bible verses can you come up with that refute this quote from the Book of Mormon?  Trent and I figured you could probably find something from each book of the Bible that would contradict this.  This quote is a featured page from the 'Plan of Salvation' booklet the missionaries gave me to study.  Quite unbelievable.

Friday, September 5, 2014

A knock at the door

Finally!  Missionaries at the door.  And the truth is they only really wanted to visit our house so they could come inside and see it.  But that's ok . . . . if our house is the draw for me to talk to them about Jesus and the gospel of grace, I'll take it.

They came yesterday evening for the first time and then invited themselves back and they were already here this morning.  I made it very clear that these conversations would not end in baptism of me into the LDS church.  They were fine with that and acted interested in what we believe.

They started this morning with their booklet 'The Plan of Salvation' which starts with pre-earth life.  So, it took us one hour to go over two paragraphs of their booklet because I had lots of questions and then just wanted to direct it to the salvation plan.  The classes we go to from Share the Son ministries instructs to keep it to the main point.   Disregard polygamy, all the weird rules, temple garments, etc.  Keep it to salvation and how you remove the stain of sin.  Because really, that is the main point.  I pray that a seed was planted before they left--I was very clear what I believed and didn't want there to be any question that I agreed with them--because I don't.  LDS are very commandment driven and their salvation depends on it.    I gave them the example of the criminal being crucified beside Christ.  He didn't have any opportunity to obey any commandments but he did go to heaven.  Jesus said he will see him in Paradise on that day.  So how could he possibly go to heaven without keeping commandments?  I got blank stares back from them.  I'm in a bit of a quandary now because I'm meeting with them again and need to study up a little before I do but am going through Grudem's systematic theology course (without quizzes and tests at the end) and would rather study it instead.  My time is limited . . . but God is faithful.

Here is one of the sister's illustration of salvation.  Notice the stair steps to get out of the pit of sin to God.  If you don't complete the stair steps, no enchilada.

Next week we will meet again.  I invited my neighbor to participate.  I have had a hard time finding a decent way to share my faith with her while still pointing out flaws in hers.  And keeping a friendship that is dear to me.  Next week will be an opportunity to do each of those things, for both of us.  I'm sure the feeling is mutual for her.  

Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Acts Church

I survived VBS in my front yard!  God was continually faithful.  First of all, my health issues disappeared.  I had a few very rough days but after a lot of tears and wrestling it out with God, I felt a lot better.  Thank you for your prayers.

We had VBS Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  There were three separate LDS families who came with their children.  Some moms stayed and some did other things while their kids stayed and played.  We did Bible stories each day with a craft, songs, games and snacks.  One mom graciously came and brought snacks for all three days which was an answer to prayer because I did not feel like I had the energy and time to tackle that too.

But after the first day the other teachers (two other moms in my small group) stayed and I fed them (and their children) lunch to thank them for helping.  Then on Wednesday another mom decided to bring lunch for everyone.  Then again on Thursday the act was repeated!  We all sat outside underneath the big poplar trees eating at our craft tables in the shade with the kids eating, chatting, and playing around us.

It was a beautiful picture of Acts 2:42, in mini form: 'And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.' and verse 26, 'And day by day, attending the temple together and bring bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts'.  We all sat and prayed together, broke bread together, read the Word together, and taught our children how to love Jesus more.  I pray some seeds were planted among the LDS folks who attended.  An emphasis on first we are saved, then works are born because of our love for the Savior.  Jesus loved us first in spite of our sin.  We can't be our own savior!  Sigh.  It saddens me to think about the hopelessness of me being my own savior.  Especially after the last seven days when I think God really was impressing on me that I am so pitifully sinful and can't do anything about it . . . only Christ can.  Praise the Lord!  Oh, but I love Him so . . . .

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Well, I didn't technically overhear this.  I was in the room participating in the conversation.  It went something like this:

"Christian families are starting to withdraw their kids from the homeschool co-op because there are too many LDS families participating."

I was flabbergasted.  You get one guess to figure out what my opinion on this subject is.  Post your comments . . . . I would love to hear your point of view.  And my next post will be my viewpoint of this comment with nothing held back :)

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Working out my Salvation

I don't want to whine.  But I don't want to pretend either.  These last few weeks have been extremely difficult for me.  There have been some wonderful things happen and some hard things too.

I'm not sure what is going on with me but to make things short--I hurt.  My chest feels like there is someone sitting on it and I'm extremely tired.  It could be a number of things but right now my first conclusion is there is some spiritual warfare happening.  Next week I am hosting a VBS in my front yard and I am stamping on my doorstep 'Not LDS'.  It's hard, but it's freeing too.  Things are coming together (I think) and I've kept it relatively simple so my few volunteers will not be overwhelmed.  I've started to invite neighborhood kids and put flyers up everywhere.  But literally, I feel like there is a mark on my forehead when I walk everywhere: 'heathen' (this is what they call non-LDS).  Please pray for a successful week.  Not in terms of number of kids but of hearts touched.  Or simply that I may be encouraged by this simple step of faith.

Paul writes:  Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, 13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.

May I fulfill His good purpose! May I be obedient (and not whine)! And Lord, send me a friend.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

A wild weekend

We've had our foster care license for a while now with no phone calls.  We had requested permanent placements just because we had done respite in Washington and as we had kids of our own it became more difficult.  To us it would be easier to have a full-time placement and incorporate the child into our family instead of having just a 'special' weekend where you can't do anything special.
Suddenly, we are the respite people here.  Uggg.  It's hard and I know it's a need but it's still hard.  This weekend was especially chaotic.  Trent had a, well, minor operation and was laid up for Friday and probably the rest of this weekend.  I have one extra 6-year-old that showed up Friday at 5 p.m.  Friday at 6 p.m. I realize it's the foster child's birthday.  TODAY.  What??  I asked her 'What did you do for your birthday?'.  'Nothing' was the reply.  'Really?'  'Yeah.  Grandma said we could celebrate on the 1st when she has money.'  So, 1) her grandma did nothing for her (she just came from a 48-hr visit from grandma's) and 2) the foster parents made NO mention of this beforehand to us.
Friday night turned into a disaster.  I was baking a cake while cooking/serving dinner when Evan leaves the table and vomits all over the laundry room floor.  ALL over the floor.  So now I have a baby crying in her high chair while trying to bake a cake and make sure everyone is still eating their dinner and a room full of vomit to pick up.  I want to make a trip to Wal-mart to get Trent's prescriptions and get ice cream for the cake.  I load up all four children at 7:40 p.m. (regardless of vomiting) to make a quick trip to the store.  At 9:10 p.m. we finally have the medicine and ice cream and head for home.  We are all so exhausted we just go to bed and the kids don't even complain they don't get cake and ice cream.
Saturday night Evan pukes three more times.  I don't know what is wrong with him but I'm simply exhausted today.

I think the Lord keeps stretching me past my limits to make me realize I can't do this on my own.  This isn't my life.  It's His.  If I keep living it like it's mine then I will lose my patience, lose the focus, and quit living for Jesus.  Above all I want to point my kids to Christ.  I want to live my life so it points to Christ--not say one thing and then do another.  Days when there is vomit to clean while the baby is screaming is a little more difficult than others.  But without those days I wouldn't learn much or rely on His strength instead of my own.

It's still only Saturday afternoon.  I hope I make it through . . . . .

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Radical by David Platt

This book ticks me off.  In a sarcastic kind of way.  He makes Jesus seem so real and true, who wouldn't give up their life to follow Him?  Really give up their life.

Our small group is reading this book and we are on the last chapter which of course, has lots of application.  In it he suggests taking VBS out of the church and putting it in individual neighborhoods.  Essentially taking Jesus to the world instead of expecting the world to show up on the church's doorstep asking about Jesus.  Genius.  Why didn't I think of that?  And apparently there have been others that have already thought this because they have VBS curriculum's set up for backyards.

After trying to ignore God on this for a couple of days I was convicted that this was my next project.  So, here we go.  Trying to organize a small VBS in record time and trying to recruit volunteers.  God is good, and bigger than my small VBS.  Thank goodness.  At the same time I was struggling if I should pursue this Trent was reading the book Good Call by Jace Robertson.  Trent said after reading that book you will also be convicted that you should talking about Jesus to everyone and bringing Him to your neighborhood.  This is our calling as Christians.  No other options.

So, continue to pray that this project can be fleshed out in record time.  By God's good grace (this was my affirmation that I should do this) our church had the exact curriculum I had found online to do this VBS.  I called our children's pastor and he said, of course, he had something that would fit.  I guess he tried to get people to use it last summer and no one really took the bait and ran with it.

Well, I'm running.  Hopefully in the right direction.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Filled with the Spirit

I was able to get out and go on a run (by myself!) a few days ago and it was like the Spirit rained down on me.  With the help of my playlist, of course.  But in the midst of it I had a minor revelation that my church isn't responsible for all of spiritual awakenings.  And definitely not for one each and every Sunday.  I'm responsible for that--at least making sure there is the opportunity for it to occur.  One of the ways I can do that is to attend church each Sunday but the church can't be solely responsible.

I'm learning slowly but surely to draw closer to God during this time on my own.  If Sunday doesn't grow me then I need to sit down at my computer and listen to a sermon where I can stretch and grow and be challenged.  I need to play music myself and worship and pray.  I need to listen to music where I can dance and sing.  It may not be in a corporate body but at least I'm not stagnate.

The prayer is that if our church is not close to finding a viable pastoral candidate by September then we are going somewhere else.  Whether it's going to a different church or starting another we aren't sure.  We can help plant a church but obviously we can't do it on our own.  We believe there is a huge hole here for a younger evangelical crowd.  If I met a younger unchurched couple there isn't any church I could point them to.  Maybe one but it's not even the one we attend.

Here's praying for the best . . . . .

Sunday, May 18, 2014

I dream of . . . .

Church planting.  Mission work.  Working at the mission.  One good friend.  Foster care.

There are many things I dream of . . . . covet?  Sometimes I think it's not too much to ask for but at other times I feel very selfish.  I know of so many others who have moved here with so much less.  I know of others who are moving overseas soon and are purging their material life and what they know as home.  I came with all my material things and with my husband's lucrative job which means I didn't have to purge a thing.  I can afford a babysitter, a gym membership and other items that are considered luxuries for some.  But still with all the 'things' of this world what I really long for is a church family who loves Jesus and the Church as much as we do.  I admit a lot of arrogance when we moved here thinking finding a good church would be easy.  It hasn't been.  Organizational leadership is lacking.  People whose hearts are really committed to missions are hard to find.  And trying to find a friend through all of this is hard.  It's only been six months and usually good friends are a few years in coming, I know.

We are praying fervently for a new pastor for our church we call home here.  We fasted on Friday with the church while we prayed.  We really need a great pastor with a great vision for this congregation and thus, this area.  If we don't find it, I will be desperately dreaming of church planting.  Which I don't think my husband can handle at this point.  I probably can't either but at this point I feel the Lord tugging me hard in this direction.  Thank God for sermons on the internet in the interim.

Other things in my life:
--We received our foster care license for the State of Idaho.  We could receive a phone call at any point asking us to house children.  Right now our license is for up to two children ages 0-6.
--We toured the Mission this week in downtown Idaho Falls to see what opportunities there are for volunteering.
--The garden is growing!!  My peas are up and I transplanted 18 tomatoes; probably 3 weeks too early but we'll see.  I have two big compost piles and have mulched the entire garden with grass cuttings.  We have asked the elderly neighbor if we can use her garden space to plant sweet corn.  Since it's right beside our garden and she isn't using it I figured it would be better if we can get corn in there and shade out the weeds than having a garden of weeds.  We'll see--I might have just created a lot more work for myself.
Part of the many seeds I started in the garage (in egg cartons)
 Transplanting to yogurt cups and the like--I kept costs to a minimum.
 Transplanting the tomato plants to the garden
 My sugar snaps--the first plants to come up in the garden!

I will post more pictures soon.  I need to figure this blogging thing out . . . I still don't know how people make theirs look so beautiful.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Psalm 62

This was part of my Bible reading today and spoke so loudly:

To the choirmaster: according to Jeduthun. A Psalm of David.

62 For God alone my soul waits in silence;
    from him comes my salvation.
He alone is my rock and my salvation,
    my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken.
How long will all of you attack a man
    to batter him,
    like a leaning wall, a tottering fence?
They only plan to thrust him down from his high position.
    They take pleasure in falsehood.
They bless with their mouths,
    but inwardly they curse. Selah
For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence,
    for my hope is from him.
He only is my rock and my salvation,
    my fortress; I shall not be shaken.
On God rests my salvation and my glory;
    my mighty rock, my refuge is God.
Trust in him at all times, O people;
    pour out your heart before him;
    God is a refuge for us. Selah
Those of low estate are but a breath;
    those of high estate are a delusion;
in the balances they go up;
    they are together lighter than a breath.
10 Put no trust in extortion;
    set no vain hopes on robbery;
    if riches increase, set not your heart on them.
11 Once God has spoken;
    twice have I heard this:
that power belongs to God,
12     and that to you, O Lord, belongs steadfast love.
For you will render to a man
    according to his work.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Back to reality . . . .

We visited Washington for a week and now I'm back to reality.  Going to Bethel's ladies retreat was balm for my soul.  I talked more than I've talked in my life.  I'm sure of it.  But I didn't care--I was catching up on all the female connections I haven't experienced in the last 6 months.  Then after returning from the retreat I was able to visit more friends.  Ahhhh!  So great and nice!

And today I felt like I was slapped in the face again.  Or more like my heart was ripped out of my chest.  Sunday's are so hard.  I miss my church family so much.  This transition is even harder than before I believe.  God is calling us to some ministry here, but we haven't found it quite yet.  Or the next pastor that our church hires might help define that for us.  But I hate to wait that long . . . because I'm not sure I can wait.  Waiting on God is hard.  He has something for me but it's not clear.  And that's hard, too.

Since I'm Type A I would just like to fix this problem.  Put it on my checklist and solve it and move on.  But it's not that type of problem.  This is a time issue and a God issue.  (The latter really being the cause of the former, right?)  I will wait on the Lord . . . . this might be good for me.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Praise Harmonica

Our church has been advertising an upcoming concert for the last few weeks.  Since they've been pushing it pretty hard I decided I better check out the guy who is coming.  So I looked up 'Buddy Greene' on iTunes.  One of his albums is titled 'Praise Harmonica'.  No joke.
Do people really listen to stuff like that??  And pay money for a ticket?
We are even teaming up with one of the high school choirs and they are going to sing along with him.  Some days I think I have moved to a foreign country.

Napoleon Dynamite is real.  I'm living it.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Unveiling Grace

I just finished the book Unveiling Grace, the story of how we found our way out of the Mormon Church.  Completely amazing book for several different reasons.  I've read books similar to this before where Mormon's realize the church they love is not the church they think it is.  However, this one points straight to biblical Christianity as the result of learning their church is false.
The best part of this book for me was it has spurned on the study of my Bible.  I need to know exactly where verses are that point to what I believe.  I should be able to get to them easily without stumbling all over myself.  The book also gave me a renewed love of the LDS people and a clearer understanding of how desperately they have been deceived.  I can't imagine having to live my life 'good enough' so that I might receive salvation.  It also gave me some insight into the culture in my little town I didn't have before.
Here is a link to a documentary made of this family telling their story:

I encourage anyone to read the book.  It's a quick read and will encourage you in your faith.

Sunday, March 23, 2014


This Sunday

Trent and I should check our mail more often, but we don't.  On Saturday we would have found a letter from our church telling us our pastor had resigned.  So this morning we show up for church without a clue and got the announcement at the Sunday morning service.  I guess it had been a year in the works--the elder board and the pastor had been mutually praying about it and this week the decision was made.  The elder board unanimously voted for the pastor to step down.  I feel a little bit like the carpet got pulled out from underneath me.  We were getting comfortable in our setting on Sundays and excited about this church but now . . . . . . we pray.  We wait and see.  And now the elders are searching for someone else.

About the time I think I'm over the hump of literally mourning the loss of my home church, Bethel, something like this happens and now I'm mourning all over again.

Last Sunday

Last week we went to a talk by a missionary from our church to the LDS community.  It's called 'Evening in Athens' and he takes some scripture or concept and dissects it and looks at it Biblically and through the eyes of the LDS (book of Mormon).  It was good and completely interesting.  LDS are invited to come and participate so it's a very respectful discussion of both sides.
It was a good lesson in missionary work.  Mike, who is the missionary, has a complete understanding of the Book of Mormon, all their vocabulary that is important to their religion, and can talk their language.  A returned missionary was at the meeting and it was apparent by his reaction that he was so impressed with Mike and that he knew so much about his religion.  You can tell that people just don't take the time to learn all the lingo and truly understand what they believe by the respect he commanded from the Mormons in attendance.  His website is here:

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Martha Stewart, Duck Commander, and Missions

As I navigate the waters of a new community I continually think how easy I have it compared to going on missions for say, the rest of my life.  Idaho is still in the PNW.  They still speak English.  I still maintain my lifestyle I did in Washington.  I get to send my kids to public school (God willing) as soon as they come of age.  It's really not so bad--just an Idaho paradise instead of a Washington paradise.

However, I think a lot if God sent us abroad to reach others how would I cope?  Do I have enough faith to hack it?  Most days I feel like I hardly have enough faith to deal with the amount of change in the last year just having a baby and moving to Idaho.

I daydream about what I would take overseas to survive.  How would I cook for my family?  I'm pretty sure they don't sell skinned, deboned chicken breasts in Cambodia or India.  They probably sell bread but could I make it for my family if I needed to?  So, I've been honing my cooking/baking skills in the name of Missions.  One day.  I bought whole chickens for the first time and opened my Martha Stewart Cooking School cookbook and started following directions.
We've read Phil Robertson's autobiography and he talks about living off the land quite a bit.  It's a foreign idea to most of us in the United States.  Actually growing everything you eat and killing all the meat you consume.  Then I take it a step further--could I clean a duck?  Or chicken?  Or turkey?  Sheesh--I'm so spoiled.

Trent and I are discussing growing a huge garden and trying to do everything as sustainable as possible (read: without too many commercial chemicals).  As much as we are pro-chemical agriculture we've also discussed if we were abroad could we grow a successful garden without all these inputs?  How would we do it?
As we speak there is a compost garbage can in my backyard.  We are adding all the kitchen scraps we can and trying to create our own soil from our waste.  And goat and chicken waste.

We'll keep you updated on this endeavor.  Seed starting is beginning soon!!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Reality sets in

Christmas is finally put away.  Valentines has come and gone.  And reality sets in that it's been almost year since we've been in a small group.  A year.  This is the family that literally used to live and breathe small groups.  Perspectives was January 2013, ended in May and after May we were done with small group and Perspectives and didn't pick back up in the fall because we knew we were going to have a baby, be moving and it was just going to get complicated.
So here we are in IF and I finally made a phone call to another woman who might be interested in starting a small group with us.  Well, her family--not just her.  But why is it usually the females who organize everything??  I know those males exist but not in my household.

Another week has come and gone and it's Friday.  I survived another week of little people at my feet; wiping bums, playing blocks, reading stories, and fill-in-the-blank.  I'm looking forward to spring and have started planning the garden.  My compost pile is started.  Granted, it's frozen in the backyard but still, it's started.  It's amazing how much dreaming you can do with one acre.   I'm so excited!  You can do nearly anything with one acre!  Especially dream when there's nothing in that acre except a good sturdy fence to keep animals in, or out.  Whatever you deem important.

Our church sponsors some missionaries and Trent and I have paid attention to who they are and what they do.  One is called Share the Son Ministries.  This man moved his family to this area and is specifically ministering to the LDS population.  He preaches a great sermon, too. Here is the website for his ministry:  He also leads a small group so that is another option for a small group to attend.
Another ministry is Riding High Ministries.  A cowboy goes to the PBR events and preaches to the cowboys who are on the road and generally in a high pressure, low accountability job away from home.  We recognized him and realized we had looked at his house when we were here house shopping.  Anyhow, small group hunting resumes.  Thankful the church shopping is over but honestly, loneliness has set in and I need a small group.  Desperately!!

The sun is shining here.  Another thing to be thankful for.  God is good.  All the time.  Sometimes I just have a hard time seeing it through my grey sunglasses.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Settling in . . . .


We spent Christmas just the five of us at the new house.  I thought it was going to be fantastic until I realized how quiet it was on Christmas Eve.  I fixed our Christmas dinner on the Eve of, so we returned from service, sat down for dinner and it was just strange.  So quiet and, well, normal.  Just another night except a fancy dinner, really.
Christmas Eve service was nice and the kids sat through it with us just fine.
After Christmas we had a stream of visitors which was great.  I loved the noise in the house and the extra people.  And, as a bonus, I had done most of my cooking in the days before so I didn't have to spend much time over the stove.

Back to church

Trent met with the Pastor of the church we have been attending the other morning.  It was great and I'm glad he did it.  Pastor Dan mentioned coffee to Trent after the annual business meeting (budget, etc) he attended in which Trent was probably the only person in attendance who was not on staff or an elder.  Obviously not a high priority in the church at this point.
So Trent took him up on the offer and they met a few mornings ago.  Trent was really encouraged afterwards about several items.
Trent and I had discussed approaching the church to see if we can get some more small groups going.  They do have some in the church but it's not a priority at this point.  We were thinking we could start writing sermon questions and distribute them to other groups who would like to use them.  To that Pastor said 'sure, when do you want to start?'.  Gulp.  Give us a month.  There are several other items they discussed such as membership, music, missions, the history of the church, etc. and of course, the LDS population.
Apparently the ward that we did Christmas caroling with has a good relationship with our church.  Last year they did the Christmas caroling and it was the same bishop in charge at the LDS church.  Pastor Dan said there was a marked difference in his message from last year to this as was his prayer.  Dan and the bishop have built a relationship over the last few years and Bible reading has been discussed a lot.  So much that the bishop made it a priority to start reading the Bible with his family every day.  Not the Book of Mormon.  It made such a difference in his life that he is encouraging his entire ward to read the Bible every day!
Another thing that has happened at our church is there is a good homeschooling population. The Mormons have a lot that homeschool too, but no building in which to meet as a group.  They petitioned their bishop (not sure which ward this is) to use their building during the week and the bishop said no.  So, our church invited them to join us at our church during the week.  Now the Mormon homeschoolers in that area come to our church to meet in a group.  Cool!

Work and Home

Trent has one guy that works for him that announced he was going to start going to Calvary Chapel instead of the Mormon church.  Trent is excited for him but sad that his wife won't go with him.  So, that is a prayer for us to take to the Lord.
I'm trying to stay in contact with the neighbors.  Which is easy because most of them are retired.  But, I am supposed to have breakfast tomorrow with the new neighbors who just moved in at Thanksgiving time.  They moved to IF last year from Germany.  I'm excited to hear her story tomorrow and meet their kids.  They have four kids ages 7, 5, 3, and 8 months.  Sounds almost familiar.

Oh, and it's bloody cold here . . . . .