
Thursday, January 29, 2015

Lord, carry me on

Life marches on.  Sometimes it's the most enjoyable ever and sometimes it's the most difficult thing I've ever done.

The moments when I am preparing dinner and get to watch life from afar . . . . the kids playing together, conversations, problems solved, problems created.  I try to draw those moments in and not let go.  Like now--Jordyn spreading Playdoh paraphernalia all over my computer while I'm trying to type.  It's annoying but delightful.

Then there are moments of pure, carnal survival.  Get dinner on the table, eat, clean, to bed.  Quickly.  Before I kill someone.  This usually happens when Trent is on the road and I'm losing steam.  Say, night three of herding four children.

And today--Medicaid transport decided to not show up to get L and take her to part 3 of 4 for a neuropsych evaluation.  Trent was home from his work trip at 12:30 a.m. and decided to stay home for the morning.  Luckily he took Morgan to ballet while I took L to her neuropsych eval.  And L was feeling a little insecure so I went in with her while they did the testing.  That was weird and interesting.  Needless to say I can't wait to see what the results say; to get some sort of diagnosis that can lead us to better parent her will be helpful.

Last weekend we had a birthday party for L at the local's version of Chuckie Cheese.  With the bio parents there and the last set of foster parents where her sisters are currently.  It went as well as it possibly could but still awkward.
At her 5th birthday party

And finally, our church had a pastor candidate come and preach.  It went well and it was refreshing to be 'preached at'.  We didn't make it to the Q & A that evening but have heard mixed reports.  We'll see.  
I'm trying to meet with a couple gals for mentorship/accountability.  I'm excited simply about the prospect of this working out . . . . . I'm only suspicious that neither of them drink.  In Washington this just was unthinkable that you wouldn't sit down for a glass of wine with someone.  Just kidding.  It's just not along my 'normal' lines.  It'll be good for me . . .

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