
Sunday, March 23, 2014


This Sunday

Trent and I should check our mail more often, but we don't.  On Saturday we would have found a letter from our church telling us our pastor had resigned.  So this morning we show up for church without a clue and got the announcement at the Sunday morning service.  I guess it had been a year in the works--the elder board and the pastor had been mutually praying about it and this week the decision was made.  The elder board unanimously voted for the pastor to step down.  I feel a little bit like the carpet got pulled out from underneath me.  We were getting comfortable in our setting on Sundays and excited about this church but now . . . . . . we pray.  We wait and see.  And now the elders are searching for someone else.

About the time I think I'm over the hump of literally mourning the loss of my home church, Bethel, something like this happens and now I'm mourning all over again.

Last Sunday

Last week we went to a talk by a missionary from our church to the LDS community.  It's called 'Evening in Athens' and he takes some scripture or concept and dissects it and looks at it Biblically and through the eyes of the LDS (book of Mormon).  It was good and completely interesting.  LDS are invited to come and participate so it's a very respectful discussion of both sides.
It was a good lesson in missionary work.  Mike, who is the missionary, has a complete understanding of the Book of Mormon, all their vocabulary that is important to their religion, and can talk their language.  A returned missionary was at the meeting and it was apparent by his reaction that he was so impressed with Mike and that he knew so much about his religion.  You can tell that people just don't take the time to learn all the lingo and truly understand what they believe by the respect he commanded from the Mormons in attendance.  His website is here:

1 comment:

  1. checked out his website and it's really cool. will definitely dig through it some more. i think it is really neat how God has impressed the mormon community into your heart. love it!
