
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A visit to the LDS church

This coming Sunday . . . .
I've been kind of on and off about the church we have been attending; mostly because the music is so stinkin' horrible (it makes me want to scratch my eyes out) and music is a love language for me.  However, the core of the church is really great so I need to get over myself and suck it up.  Case in point: it was announced last Sunday that we are Christmas caroling with a LDS church in town--we are going to their church but our pastor has been given the pulpit to preach whatever Christmas message he would like.  Yes!!  Trent and I will be there with bells on.  I'm so excited they are doing this and are engaging themselves like this.  They have built a relationship with the bishop at this particular LDS church and this is the 2nd year in a row they are doing this.  I want to invite all my Mormon neighbors to their own church to hear my pastor speak!  :)

And on a similar note one of our very nice, lovely neighbors invited us to a LDS Christmas dinner here in town.  Specifically she said, "I want to make sure you don't feel left out.  Many people complain that the Mormon's in town are very exclusive and don't make others feel welcome if you aren't Mormon."  Yep.  You pretty much nailed it, lady.  She is sweet and very genuine.  I need to reciprocate.  Trent said if we weren't busy that night (we had his office Christmas dinner that night) we would have gone and then invited every single one of them to our church or some similar church event.

Interestingly, one of Trent's co-workers told him the other week that he has attended the Calvary Chapel in town and loved it (he's a Mormon).  He said he would much rather go to Calvary Chapel than his church but his wife is truly the Mormon in his family so he doesn't want to rock the boat and start attending somewhere else.  Hmmmmm.  It makes us wonder how many of these 'Mormon's exist.

Continuing in the mission field of SE Idaho . . . .

1 comment:

  1. tell us how the service and caroling went at the mormon church! i'm curious.
